
Friday 1 April 2016


I'm in my 2nd year at uni and still haven't done drugs.
Story by @chandlerwaller
Photography by @thebettertwin95

So I recently saw an article by my friend @meganwardy and its given me something to talk about. Something that you wouldn't usually expect to read on my blog, let alone find it on The Tab. Yes people, I am going to be talking about drugs.

Now I have tried drugs. But by drugs I mean cannabis, a few times in my youth. But I don't see the excitement that my friends do now about taking cannabis. From what I remember of my experiences it was the most boring times of my life and not my proudest. I think the most exciting time I've had taking that drug was when a girl rapped the entire 'Slim Shady' song. That was funny.

Skins Series 3
Sourced from here.
I'm not even sure as to why I haven't tried drugs at uni. I remember watching skins at the age of fourteen and fifteen and thinking "yes, I am going to try this sh*t". Funny how when I recently re-watched it, I felt exactly the same.

I've had the chance to do drugs, sure. I've had people approaching me in clubs but £40 seems a big price to pay when my friends give me the look of death. I also had a friend offer me it on NYE who had also never tried it but I was already a few beers deep, so my drunken arse made a good decision, right?

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I remember I once chose to do an arts project on drugs which I found really exciting. I would spend hours on FRANK looking at different drugs and the different effects. I was all prepped at the age of 15 to take on drugs like some Wolf of Wall Street kind of Sh*t. But once I arrived at university, it seemed no one was involved or interested in that sort of thing. Except for cannabis, you'll find pot smokers everywhere in England, I'm still not sure why that is.

Coming back from my first year, I felt like I was majorly missing out. I spoke with one friend who went to Bristol university and he was telling me about how many great times he'd had on MDMA. Again I suddenly felt the
Sourced from here
urge to try drugs. It's funny because I'm no addict obviously, I just want the experience. I spoke to two more people who told me their experiences on MDMA and the thought of doing drugs was in my head.

Me and my mother, we're pretty close, some would say. I speak about everything with her, so yes we spoke about drugs which was highly entertaining. I would mention that I want to try them and you know what she told me? Well she gave me a look that I haven't seen in a while. It was very similar to the time I told her I tried cannabis. But the point of including this is that, she understood me, she knows I'm a
I don't do drugs but I'm edgy
Snapback - The Hundreds
Jacket - Steel and Jelly
T-Shirt - American Apparel
Jeans - Topman
Trainers - New Balance 501
responsible adult (supposedly). That's why drugs are there right? To be experienced. Not abused (key fact).

I find it odd after reading that article that I haven't tried drugs at university. The point being  University is the perfect time to experiment with drugs so why hasn't it happened? I feel left out at the most. It's funny how the mind works but that's how I feel. I still want to try them and probably will.

If you or a friend have a problem with drug addiction/abuse, please visit the following websites:
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Drug addiction: getting help - Live Well - NHS Choices
SupportLine - Problems: Drugs: Advice, support and ...

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